Bill Atkinson ’98

Elected as the National President for NSPE (The National Society of Professional Engineering)

Bill Atkinson ’98 P.E., a member of the Clarkson Golden Knights Guild, was installed as the President of the National Society of Professional Engineers.

He was elected by representatives of the 50 state partners in July of 2021 to serve a 4 year term, and is NSPE’s 2nd Youngest president. NSPE represents the approximately 25,000 members worldwide who support the 500,000 Licensed Professional Engineers in their role of Protecting the Public by the United States.

His main role is supporting NSPE’s vision to ensure a world where the public can be confident that engineering decisions affecting their lives are made by qualified and ethically accountable professionals. As President Bill Chairs the board of directors and works with the CEO to oversee the operations of the Multi-million dollar organization. He will serve until July of 2024 and then serve on the board for a final year as the Past President.