Henry (Hank) Okraski ’58, is Chairman of the National Center for Simulation’s (NCS) Education & Workforce Development Committee. In February 2020, he organized a Team Orlando Modeling & Simulation Student Day that featured high school and technical school students demonstrating Modeling and Simulation (M&S) projects that are of interest to industry, academia and government. It took place in the Central Florida Research Park (near the University of Central Florida), home of the military services M&S organizations. Approximately 200 people attended the event which featured 8 schools and 14 projects consisting of virtual reality, computer games, animations and simulations. Florida is the nation’s center of simulation with approximately 100,000 people working in that industry.
Students competed for prizes provided by NCS member companies and organizations. NCS offers a M&S Certification open to schools and anyone wishing to take the examination. Information can be found at https://www.simulationinformation.com/