Freshman year I was hanging out with a friend from home who was a sophomore and his friends. They had decided to get some plastic sheets from a local hardware store and make a slip n’ slide down the side of Woodstock hill. I’m not sure where the initial supply of soap and water came from, but when we ran out of soap it fell to me and Tom Reeves to go get more. We took a couple of buckets and entered the Science Center after hours. We were soaked and shirtless and covered in grass, mud, and soap as we ran from bathroom to bathroom opening up soap dispensers and emptying them into our buckets. As we topped the stairs to the third floor, we came face to face with President and Mrs. Collins! We were frozen and stuttering in surprise, thinking our college careers were over. President Collins asked us what we were up to, we fessed up, and they both chuckled… Mrs. Collins just said she was glad our mothers didn’t have to do our laundry afterward! They bid us have fun and good evening and we were back on the hunt! That solidified our respect and affection for our “Uncle Tony” that has stuck with me to this day nearly 20 years later!
Patrick Keller ’07